Olimpiadi: lotta, baseball e squash in corsa per il 2020.
Eventskarate 04 giugno 2013
San Pietroburgo, 29 maggio 2013.In Russia il consiglio esecutivo del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale ha ristretto a 3 sport la rosa delle discipline in lizza per partecipare alle Olimpiadi Estive del 2020.
La shortlist comprende la lotta, il baseball/softball e lo squash.
Soltanto una delle tre farà parte del programma olimpico per il 2020.
La decisione finale sarà presa nel corso della 125/a sessione del Cio in programma dal 7 al 10 settembre a Buenos Aires, quella che assegnerà anche l’organizzazione a una città tra Tokyo, Madrid e Istanbul.
Fonte: www.olympic.org
The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today recommended that baseball/softball, squash and wrestling be proposed to the 125th IOC Session for possible inclusion as an additional sport on the Olympic programme for the 2020 Olympic Games.
The EB selected the three sports by secret ballot from a shortlist of eight that also included karate, roller sports, sport climbing, wakeboarding and wushu. The vote followed 30-minute presentations by each International Federation and an extensive evaluation by the Olympic Programme Commission to determine their potential added value to the Games.
The full IOC membership will meet for the 125th Session in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 7 to 10 September and will vote on which of the three sports to add to the programme of the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in addition to the 25 core sports – plus golf and rugby sevens* – proposed by the EB in February.
“The Executive Board received excellent presentations today from eight International Federations,” said IOC President Jacques Rogge. “It was never going to be an easy decision but I feel my colleagues on the Board made a good decision in selecting baseball/softball, squash and wrestling to be put forward in Buenos Aires. I wish the three shortlisted sports the best of luck in the run-up to the vote in September and would like to thank the other sports for their hard work and dedication.”
In an effort to ensure the Olympic Games remain relevant to sports fans of all generations, the Olympic Programme Commission systematically reviews every sport following each edition of the Games. The Commission uses 39 criteria in determining a sport’s suitability for the Olympic Games, including youth appeal, universality, popularity, good governance, respect for athletes and respect for the Olympic values.
*Golf and rugby sevens were added in 2009 as additional sports to the 2016 Olympic programme.