Dimissioni IKU del vice Presidente e Segretario Generale

eventskarate 20 dicembre 2016

addetto stampa

Successivamente alla  manifestazione della Coppa del Mondo IKU, dal 09.12.2016 al 11.12.2016 – Caorle (Venezia – Italia) il Maestro di karate, Carlo Diaz professionista, stimato ed apprezzato in tutto il Mondo, ha consegnato le proprie dimissioni dalle cariche di Vice Presidente e Segretario Generale della International Karate Union (IKU),  span title=”Therefore, it is automatically canceled the World Stage in April in Lisbon – Portugal. "”e viene annullata automaticamente lo stage mondiale IKU programmato ad aprile a Lisbona – Portogallo.

span title=”Therefore, it is automatically canceled the World Stage in April in Lisbon – Portugal. "”Riceviamo e pubblichiamo:

Portugal, 19-12-2016

International Karate Union

President Mr. Victor John-Charles

Subject: My resignation of IKU Vice-President and General Secretary

 I see in IKU potential, as an organisation of Karate Competitions and Athletes, Coaches and Referee Formation.

 To do so, it is imperative that the board of directors, must be in accordance. We are coming from a recent sad event, which was the lost of Daniele Lazzarini. I was hoping that every single member was in the will of respecting the ideology of our former Vice President and Secretary General Daniele Lazzarini.

 Unfortunately, that wasn’t what I found. I have found an explicit necessity of reaching the power, and a backstage chats and movements that I totally rebuke.

 Due to this unstable situation I must decline your invitation to the office of IKU Secretary General and Vice-President.

It is with great sadness that I come to you to inform my resignation of IKU Vice-President and Secretary General.

Unfortunately, a several factors had contribute to this decision:

For the past 2 months we have worked hard in order to understand how IKU organization and it’s organic.

Once we reached this understanding, at this moment we were able to take the next step. As you know at Caorle [ IKU World Cup ], we had an agenda of meetings, that most of them couldn’t be done. Only one be done, with Brian Whelan for Ireland.

All meetings with technical and Referees committees are canceled, not by me. After leaving Portugal i send to all, several emails for announce those meetings in Caorle. But sadly, did not happen and i felt literally ignored by everyone including by the board of direction.

Because I am a man of Principles, and Respect, I know when I am unwanted, and when the working conditions are not met. For that,

My resignation is total and irrevocable as from 20 december 2016

 From the President I only hope your understanding about my position.

 Therefore, it is automatically canceled the World Stage in April in Lisbon – Portugal.

 I Wish all the best for IKU.

 Best Regards.  

span title=”Therefore, it is automatically canceled the World Stage in April in Lisbon – Portugal. "” 

