A.S.I. – World Fighters Corporation
1 th April 2017 – 2 th April 2017
Invito ufficiale
Programma definitivo
(il seguente programma potrà subire variazioni in base alle esigenze organizzative)
Venerdì 31 marzo (DEVERO HOTEL – Cavenago – Milano)
dalle 15.30: Ricevimento capi delegazione – Estero o fuori regione
dalle 16.00 -20.00: Controllo Iscrizioni – Controllo Peso e Certificati Medici
sabato 1 (Palazzetto di Bussero – via Europa 7 – BUSSERO – MI)
dalle 9:30: Ritrovo atleti – Controllo Iscrizioni – Controllo Peso e Certificati Medici
dalle 10:30: Briefing Arbitri e Tecnici (regolamento, orari competizioni)
dalle 11:30: Inizio competizioni fase eliminatorie e Finali delle categorie:
alle 19:30: Termine delle competizioni
domenica 2 (Palazzetto di Bussero – via Europa 7 – BUSSERO – MI)
dalle 9:30: Ritrovo atleti
dalle 10:30: Briefing Arbitri e Tecnici (regolamento, orari competizioni)
dalle 11:30: Inizio competizioni fase eliminatorie e Finali di tutti gli stili e tutte le categorie
alle 19.30: Termine delle competizioni
Il Campionato Mondiale si svolge su sei Tatami ed una gabbia.
Le specialità presenti sono: Shindokai, Karate-Kumite, Free Boxing Light (Boxe Inglese a contatto leggero), Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light (low kick), K 1 Light, Thai Boxe Tecnica, Submission/Grappling e Mixed Marrtial Arts Light.
Categorie: 12-14 anni, 15-17 anni e +18 anni.
Iscrizione €. 30,00 + €.10,00 per ogni disciplina aggiuntiva. Al vincitore verrà assegnato il Titolo di Campione del Mondo e la relativa cintura. Premiazioni fino al 4° classificato.
Ogni team può portare uno o più arbitri, che dovrà assumersi l’onere di tutte le spese, l’organizzazione non pagherà nulla.
Le giornate saranno così suddivise:
SABATO (eliminatorie e finali) ore 10:00 regolarizzazione iscrizione e peso:
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light, K1 Light e Thai Boxe Tecnica faremo Bambini fino da 11 anni attività ludico-sportiva, Ragazzi fino a 14 anni, Juniores fino a 17 anni; inoltre le tutte le categorie femminili.
Karate/Kumite tutte le categorie.
DOMENICA (eliminatorie e finali) ore 10:00 regolarizzazione iscrizione e peso:
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light, K1 Light e Thai Boxe Tecnica faremo tutti i Seniores (+18 anni).
M.M.A. Light e Grappling tutte le categorie.
Official Invitation
Final Program
(The following program may be subject to changes according to organizing requirement).
Friday 31th march (DEVERO HOTEL – Cavenago – Milano)
From 15:30 Welcome of delegates in charge – Foreign or out of the region
From 16:00 _ 20:00: Check of enrollments – Check weight and Certficate Medical check up.
Saturday 1th
From 9:30 Athletes’ meeting – Check of enrollments – Check weight and Certficate Medical check up.
From 10:30 : Referee and Technician Briefing (rules/regulations, competition time)
From 11:30 : Competition start; eliminating rounds; all styles and category
At 19:00 hrs. End of competitions
Sunday 2th
From 9:30 Athletes’ meeting
From 10:30 : Referee and Technician Briefing (rules/regulations, competition time)
From 11:30 : Competition start; eliminating rounds; all styles and category
At 19:30 hrs. End of competitions
The World Championship will take place on six tatami and one cage.
The participating styles are: Shindokai, Free Boxing Light (Engllish Boxing Light), Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light (low kick), K 1 Light, Thai Boxe Technics, Submission/Grappling e Mixed Martial Arts Light.
Categories: 12-14 years, 15-17 years and + 18 years.
Registration fee € 30,00 + € .10,00 for each additional discipline. The winner will be awarded the title of World Champion and its belt. Awards of up to 4th place.
All teams may take along one or more of its own referee, who will have to bear all its own expenses; as the organizer will not be responsible for, nor bear any expenses.
The days will be divided as follows:
SATURDAY (preliminaries and finals) 10:00 registration and regularization weight:
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kickboxing Light, Light K1 and Thai Boxing Technique. The Children up to 11 years play-sports activities, children up to 14 years, Juniors up to 17 years; Furthermore the all female categories.
Karate / Kumite all categories.
Shindokai i the cage.
SUNDAY (preliminaries and finals) 10:00 registration and regularization weight:
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kickboxing Light, Light K1 and Thai Boxing technique will do all seniors (+18 years).
M.M.A. Light and Grappling all categories.
Invitation officielle
Programme final
(Ce programme est susceptible de changements en fonction des impératifs dûs à l’organisation Vendredi 31 mars (DEVERO HOTEL – Cavenago – Milano)
15.h30: Accueil des chefs de délégation – étrangères ou à l’extérieur de la région
16h00-20h00: Contrôle des inscriptions – Contrôle du poids et certificates médicalessamedi 1
9h30: Rencontre avec les athlètes – Contrôle des inscriptions – Contrôle du poids et certificates médicales
10h30: Briefing des arbitres et des techniciens (réglementation, horaires des compétitions)
11h30: Début des compétitions de phase éliminatoire, tous styles et toutes catégories
19h00: Fin des compétitionsdimanche 2
9h30: Rencontre avec les athlètes
10h30: Briefing des arbitres et des techniciens (réglementation, horaires des compétitions)
11h30: Début des compétitions de phase éliminatoire, tous styles et toutes catégories
19h30: Fin des compétitions
Le Championnat du Monde se déroule sur six TATAMI et une cage.
Les spécialités en compétition sont: Shindokai, Free Boxing Light (Boxe Anglaise Light) Light Contact, Kick boxing Light (low kick), le K1 Light, le Thai Boxe Tecnique, Soumission/Grappling et Arts Marrtial Mixtes Light. Catégories: 12-14 ans, 15-17 ans et + 18 ans
Frais d’inscription € 30,00 + € .10,00 pour chaque discipline supplémentaire. Le gagnant se verra décerner le titre de Champion du Monde et sa ceinture. Prix jusqu’à la 4ème place.
Chaque équipe peut s’accompagner de un ou plusieurs arbitres, qui assumera la charge de tous les frais, l’organisation n’ayant aucune responsabilité financière.
Les jours seront répartis comme suit:
Samedi (préliminaires et finale):
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light, K1 Light et Thai Boxing Technique. Enfants jusqu’à 11 ans activité ludic-sportif, garçons de moins de 14, juniors jusqu’à 17 ans; En outre, les catégories toutes les femmes.
Karaté / Kumite toutes les catégories.
Shindokai dans la cage, toutes les catégories.
Dimanche (préliminaires et finale):
Free Boxing Light, Light Contact, Kick Boxing Light, K1 Light et Thai Boxing Technique. SENIORES (+18 ans).
M.M.A. Light dans la cage et Grappling sur tatami, toutes les catégories.
Franco Scorrano
Responsabile Nazionale ASI Sport da Combattimento Moderno
Presidente World Fighters Corporation
francoscorrano@libero Tel.: +393387059641