E U R O C U P   


 I S T R I A    2 0 1 2.


K a r a t e    k l u b    ”F i n i d a”    


P o r e č

 Nikole Tesle 16, 52440 Poreč, Croatia www.karatefinida.com e-mail: kkfinida@yahoo.com

Tel/Fax: +385 (0)52 431 752 Mob: +385 (0)91 523 0312 ŽR: 2340009-1118004565 OIB: 83010199656


Poreč, 15th May 2012.


as the member of the Croatian Karate Union, we organize international karate tournament ‘’Eurocup Istria’’ already for 13 years and this year it is going to be held on 10th November 2012. in Poreč (Croatia) in new Sport hall Žatika, which is located by the main road at the entrance in the city and which was built for World Men’s Handball Championship 2009.

This tournament is the official tournament of the Croatian Karate Union, which is the country member of EKF and WKF and it is approved by them and insert on their official calendar of tournaments. In accordance with this, competition is only for members of National federations and members of WKF (World karate federation) and EKF (European karate federation), so all members, clubs and competitors that meets this required conditions are welcome and they are allow to participate.

During all these years, we had a huge number of competitors from different European countries, among them the most from countries in the immediate environment, that performed with its national teams and with quite a number of long time representatives in each category and winners of different European and World medals, so the tournament has reached respectable and impressive level of quality.

Last year, ‘’Eurocup Istria’’ got additionally quality, strength and significance, because the Administrative Committee of Croatian Karate Union brought a decision that ‘’Eurocup Istria’’ will be an electoral tournament for the selection of representatives in each category for a performance at the European Championship in Baku (Azerbaijan) 10th – 12th February 2012. Because of this decision, last year (5th November 2011) on the ‘’Eurocup Istria’’ has participated increased number of Croatian representatives, even some winners of medals at the recent World Championship in Malaysia.

Because we want to continue developing the quality of this tournament (the benefit of all, the most of competitors) by spreading on other countries and because this tournament will be good opportunity for your athletes to check their level of preparation and to got experienced sparring partners from different countries, you are kindly invited to participate with your club, athletes and national team (narrower and a wider list) on 14th Eurocup Istria that is going to be held on 10th November 2012 in Poreč (Croatia). We also please you to insert ‘’Eurocup Istria’’ on your official calendar of competitions and to send this invitation to all clubs of your Union, so that they and their competitors could be promptly informed about the tournament and thus get the possibility to decide about their performance on the same. It is also good opportunity for sharing experiences and spreading of our friendships.

National and international referees are welcome.

All the details regarding the tournament can be found here on www.karatefinida.com

We hope to see you in Poreč,

a Mediterranean city that gives you a great holiday and greater karate experience!

Kindest regards,

Mirko Banovic

